Monday, June 20, 2011



не хватает билетов за самолет:
Sokko, Jakovleva

Свидетельсво из языковой школы:

Friday, June 17, 2011

Our last days

Our last day in Canterbury

Our favourite underground station ;)))

And these moments we will remember forever...

Thank You for your organization of this project!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Svetlana and Julia. Our last week

The main work was concentrated in the warehouse this week.We learned the way of packaging, loading and unloading, conditions for packaging and equipment, they use.

Also we were receiving orders from customers to deliver their products.
We worked with logistic computer program and transport documentation.

We communicated with customers by phone and email.

On Friday we said good bye to our company, we visited our language school last time.

It was very hard to leave.We liked this country, these people, these sights. It will be grate to come here again, if we have opportunity.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Было принято решение о том, что  собрание будет проходить  17.06.2011 на пятой паре в 15.30-17.00 в кабинете N409.

C собой иметь весь пакет документов с практики, финансовые документы, фотографии и видео на любом носителе. 

Собрание займет по времени одну пару.

Monday, June 13, 2011

My place of practice.

My office of practice place was on only square of Dover, which is so lovely))))

Without me)

And with me)))

And I spent useful three weeks on the fourth floor in this building)

And one thing that I will remember forever)))) My lunch almost always was on the beach. It is amazing opportunity to take short break from the working day.

Darya and EBN Limeted company

I would like to tell you about my two practice weeks. I should notice that Id like not only tell but also show my practice tasks. Therefore I am sending this message so late. But you know about late and never ;))))

You can see some documents, which help to organise work.

Second weeks was more active I did a lot of work:
* to write letters with offer to cooperate and in order to find loading,

* to response to calls, to complete all necessary documents, to work in profile of logistics programme TimoCom,

* to work with invoices, to register some loadings.

These tasks were interested and I very liked to do them. If I didn’t understand something I was asking.

And at third week I also did the same work. And new at this week was that we in company would like to connect with russian suppliers or hauliers, but while it is not given result. I sent russian letters with offer about to partnership through programme Timocom and unfortunately just two asked.

One of them refused, because the loading have already sold and another it didn’t get find haulier because loading was for tomorrow and didn’t find suitable haulier. The most of my time I answered by telephone and discussed process of work and ask questions.

I would like introduce you my teachers during practice. Taught me Vics and Alan. My supervisor is Vics Summer, who is director. Alan Dimbleby is manager of freight transpotation.

And I tell them: Thank You Very Much for your understanding and patience!))))

Now when practice is finished I will look my new beautiful watch and always remember my great work experience. Thank You!)


14.05.2011 будет проходить организационное собрание по сбору документов, заполнению итоговой анкеты обратной связи.

Соберемся в одном из свободных кабинетов, поэтому уточните в комментарии время, когда вообще вам удобно.

Те, кому были выданы ноутбуки - не забудьте их вернуть!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


The second week of work experience gives a very productive. If the first week, I make the packaging, warehousing, where how and what should be stored in a warehouse, because as I explained to "each item is allocated a place and it should just lie there."
So now I'm learning how to Megger receives orders, which countries are most collaborating with the company, as carried out orders and what documents are issued in the first place.
Wednesday (01.06.2011) I had a job besides how to order and find it in the warehouse, pack and send the customer on that day.
I have no difficulties arisen and I managed to accurately on the time.. Thanks for the help everyone who works in the Megger, and pays special attention if I do something not work can calmly explain again!

Monday, June 6, 2011


Поступило сообщение о том, что участники практики не успевают с написание исследователькой работы.
Пожалуйста обратитесь с этим вопросом к Елене Забегаевой по электронной почте

По поводу исследовательской работы. Это практическая часть выпускного экзамена,
который состоится 22 июня. 

Тема работы - ее теоретическая основа - проработана/составлена до выхода на практику (во всяком случае должна быть сделана) и прикреплена к курсу, практическая часть должна быть присоединена после практики в надежде, что, проходя производственную практику в сфере логистики, об этом вопросе могут думать более внимательно. Тема выбиралась самостоятельно. Отчет о практике = практическая часть работы. Так что исследовательской она названа, но все исследование состоит в том, чтобы сравнить так ли на предприятиях как в теории и привести примеры, документы (по-возможности).  Для того, чтобы получить свидетельство об окончании надо 16 июня представить отчет по практике, 22 - выпускной экзамен. 

13 и 14 в 11.30 в кабинете N409 - консультации.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

My best day in England)))

On this Friday I went to Birthday party to brother of my hostess. It was so marvelous!!!))) I know exactly It was the best evening in England!)))

I rested with my host family and met with relatives of Julie (hostess). Party was in club, which is near home. We all I, my hostess Julie and her husband John, her daughter Sammy with husband, Darryl and his girlfriend go to congratulate her brother the eighteenth))) I had a great time with host family, there were a lot of dances, speaking, jokes, delicious food and drink))) And should tell you that it was family party and so friendly, and so funny!

I with Julie

I with Darril and Lacie

I with Sammy and Frankie

This is sun of family)))Jessica is Sammy and Frankie daughter.

Bob is Julie dad.

Our Dover)))

Regular time in Dover we spend on the beach, walking on the sea. Dover is small town, where is central square with a fountain and lots of streets with cafes various cuisine (Chinese, Indian, Turkish) and shops.

I would like to invite you visit beach of Dover and go for a walk with us due to unique photos of this place.
You are welcome!)))

See you later!

Dover castle

I would like to share you my impressions from castle Dover and show you our pictures with breathtaking view of town Dover.

We started our way to castle, it turned out not so easy))) We should go up and up along streets)))

And finally, it appeared shape of castle.

We just come in territory castle and felt who head is there: w i n d))))

I couldn’t have looked enough, this is so exciting view!

The sea and the beach are so amazing and we definitely decided to tell others that we was on Miami beach))))) whatever, they will not know ;)))

There is the laaarge area of castle, we spent 3 hours there and it passed like few minutes!

There is gorgeous interior of castle)))

There is shown previous usual living of last years.

We have found out where is treasure ;)))

Numbers of passages are surprised and scared a little too.

Yeeeeeees, I want to have my own dressing room)))

View)) Lovely, lovely view)))

I want to photo all, but it is not impossible to give by photos all beauty of these places!

Arina like good hostess decided to clean on the kitchen)))

We have researched all the passages in the castle.

We were at the highest point of Dover!!!))))))))))))))