Sunday, May 29, 2011

My work experience in Megger

For over 100 years, Megger has been the premier provider of electric test equipment and measuring instruments for electrical power applications. The trademark was first registered in May 1903.
Megger's product offering spans 30 distinct product groups with over 1,000 specific products.
Manufacturing and Marketing on a Global ScaleMegger products are manufactured at sites in Dallas, Texas; Valley Forge, Pennsylvania and Dover, England। Sales and technical support offices are also maintained across the U.S. and Canada, as well as in Mexico City, Mexico; Dover, England; Paris, France; Mumbai, India, and Bahrain. Through a global network of several hundred sales representatives, product literature and user manuals in seven languages, and product software with multilingual display, Megger can work with its customers locally, anywhere in the world.

On the first day (23/05) my mentor Andrew Eberlein training practice introduced me to the company megger, just talked about safety regulations in different parts of company as people who stay in the laboratory must wear special clothes and shoes that will not allow the penetration of harmful substances in the human body. (This clothing I was given the first day). My first day I spent in the warehouse, where fully mastered the packaging of products. Friendly and helpful staff could several times to me, and that explains how to put a computer program I use, that would send already packed goods to the destination.
In the beginning it was very horribly and nervously, but the guys in unison said that I can cope and not get caught, their help is very helpful. The first day I was very tired, but just wanted to work without stopping.
Tuesday 05/24, all day I spent in the warehouse. Engaged, packaging, warehousing and drafted the paperwork to send the product to the customer, as the megger is a global company, then for each continent has its own rules and paperwork just different. It requires speed and attention. Wednesday 05/25 was held in the company logistics group, which is in charge of monitoring the delivery of goods, transfer it to the customer.

Thursday 26/05 and Friday 05/27 I spent in the warehouse, where she has already started packing, warehousing, receiving products on the store itself and its distribution in storage. It was very difficult, but thanks to a team in the warehouse, I do ​​it.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thursday 26.05.2011

Nearing the end of the first week. Katya and I work a lot. Each of us sitting at own desk in the office.

Beginning Monday, we are actively working. We received an order for shipping from Italy in Tartu, Riga and Utena (Lithuania). I was looking for transport companies, which could help to carry these goods. Write down all the phone numbers, call these companies. It's really very interesting!  
We are working with office equipment - fax. Sent to the customer the necessary documents, have also continued to receive calls (the phone rings constantly). And also fill a board on which the company conducts a report. I'm with Kate phoned and learned numbers of trucks and trailers and then writes data to the board.


Dover is really beautiful town))) I walked on the streets and was impressive how a lot of houses can be spread on the mountains, I haven't seen that before.

Houses looks like pictures from magazine, so lovely. If you go to center town you should go down along the street, then scramble to up))) and again go down along the streets and so on, so on. But you don't notice that how it forces and go further.

And of course beach of Dover, I never want go away))))

My first days on practice placement

My first days on practice placement

Today was fourth day of my work experience. My company is EBN Limited, which has head office in London and branch office here, in Dover.

At first day I researched arrangement of work and find out aims of company. The company has Parent Company (CLD) in Italy, therefore one of the most main destination is transport cargo from Italy to UK and back. The company has great coordinated network between hauliers, suppliers and freight forwarding companies.

I practice my skills in department of international freight, which offers transport service full and partial loading/unloading and groupage service of goods. Also task is to find suitable haulier, connect with suppliers and clients.

I answer calls, accept mail and sorted by importance. I discuss with my supervisor problems of current freights. Also I acquaint with all necessary documentation for organization the transport of goods: invoices, correspondence by e-mail and other.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


More two days in the company were very successful.We were talking to company partners from other countries by phone, accepted the orders for supplying products, checked the invoices and sent quotes.
We had a review of operations, connected with packing the goods and relationship with suppliers, distributors, couriers and freight forwarders.
We were showed the documentation, certificates of origin of different countries.
We have a good relationship with colleagues and try to do our best, while doing the work tasks,we are given.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The first day in the company. Kate & Arina

John Shirley Limited.
John Shirley Offices at Maritime House, Dover

Our company name's John Shirley Limited. This company has been established for over 15 years. And the company is situated in Dover. The first day was very interesting for us. When we came in company we had a little tour around the office. The first place where we were it was the roof. There grows the very green gross and beautiful open view of Dover. After, we went down in basemen where is boiler, which heates of all building. And now i a little speak about it. In addition to their gung-ho energetic approach to shipping they try to reduce their ecological footprint as best they can. They have no company cars, they recycle, they have installed a sedum grass roof on Maritime House and planted where possible around the yards and car park. Currently they are investigating how the building can be zero emission using wind and solar power. And this is very ecologically and economically as for this company as for town. But they ultimate aim is not just to make Maritime House a 'zero emission building' but rather a positive emission building - one that gives back to the environment more than it takes. For their good force they had got environment award in 2005 and winner of the Kent business environment award 2009.

Winner of the Kent business environment award 2009.

This is their wood pellet burner.

Popular destinations transported it's:

Balkan States to/from UK
Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo
Eastern Europe to/from UK
Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova, Hungary, Czech Republic, Albania, Slovakia, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine

 Over 10 years experience of European Cross Trade freigh haulage.

And it's all. In the first day was very good and useful for us and  we just observed for workflow and we have some information about company John Shirley Limited. And now we ready to start our practice ((=

Monday, May 23, 2011

Svetlana's and Julias' first day in the company.

Monday 23.05.2011

At 09.00 in the morning we were in the company.We got our codes to follow when came to the office and gone out.
This is not so big building, as I have thought before, but it is large for its' amount of partners and distributors in the world.
The company works with 80 countries and makes a large profit and success.
It is a good developing company, which has a lot of awards.
Bedfont Scientific have won ‘Business of the Year’ in the Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce Awards 2011, sponsored by the University of Kent. There were many applicants for each of the 5 award categories and yet again Bedfont has shone through and scooped the top prize.

So, we started with the introduction of the company. Hubert, working in sales department, was very kind to show all departments of the company. They have such as: IT, Operations, Human Resources, Sales, Export, Marketing and others.

At that moment company is in a process of negotiating with companies in the market of Russia and Baltic countries.So, they would like us to help them with documentation and communication with their partners.

Also, we will investigate the transport process organization, from testing their products to their final destination to consignee.

Today we learned information about the products, they are producing.We had a look at them.It is very important to know about the cargo,you are going to deliver, because some of their goods are hazardous.

The Bedfont Scientific Ltd. company manufacture the exhaled breath and gas monitoring instruments for industrial, scientific and medical markets through out the world.

Their main customers are distributors from differnt countries and hospitals.

After lunch, we worked with documentation,prepared,printed and sorted for deifferent adresses to dispatch.

That was like our first day=))

Saturday 21.05.2011

Early in the morning we went to the Canterbury West Train Station.At 10.00 we were in London.
First of all we visited London Bridge.

Then,searching the London Eye we came to Big Ben=))

Walking in the park near the river,we noticed London Eye on the other of it.
London Eye was very impressive,we were so high, looking down all the sights of London.It's amazing.

Near London Eye is London Aquarium,so we decided to visit it too, and it was worth visiting.

Searching the Oxford Street for shopping we came to Trafalgar Squaire.
All sights are situated closely to each other.

After shopping we were all very tired,and it time to go home.
We went to the London Bridge station by tube and than to the train to Canterbury.

The train to Canterbury West shoud come at 20.49, but we came to the station at 20.54. Fortunatelly, the train was late for 10 minutes and came at 21.00.We were lucky=))

Friday, May 20, 2011

Wednesday,Thursday and Friday.

On Wednesday, we had english language and business classes until 16.30. After school we walked a lot along the streets,took photos and have a rest.

On Thursday, on lunch, we visited Canterbury Cathedral.It is very impessive and beautiful.

Thursday was a bit sad day, because a lot of students had their last classes and leave home.We have  already become friends, studying together. We took pictures and gave our contacts to each other.
On this day we had also our last lesson with Denise.She helped us to introduce ourselves in a company, to speak more confident in english.Denise is a wonderful, kind and very friendly teacher,we like her very much and will be missing her a lot.
On Friday, we had classes until 12.30. It was unusual to feel, that we don't need to go to classes after lunch.We were given our certificates,that we passed a general course of different levels of English.We said goodbye to students,to our teachers,gave them different little presents.While walking in the streets,we noticed two boys,holding the advertisement about a river tour around the city and decided to try.

Tomorrow,on Saturday morning, we are going to visit London.We hope, that we manage to do it and look at the all main sights of this city.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The second day: 17.05

Our girls don't lose the time in vain. They are doing their home work everywhere and anywhere.


Time flies, the experience acquired. Today at Concorde International, we are prepared to work in our companies. We have found information about organizations and telling each other: their structure, history, activity / specificity of the types of goods are transported, etc. We also remembered what issues are encountered during the interview and prepared for the presentation itself. Every day we give homework. And all of this, of course, in English.)

Also, after such a long study, we walked around the Canterbury and planned for tomorrow morning hike in Canterbury Cathedral.
Be smart pictures of World Cultural and Natural Heritage ...

Canterbury Cathedral


Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Помните, что:

  1. Необходимо привезти после поездки обратно в Эстонию заполненные документы по практике. По этомо поводу вас дополнительно проиструктирует Наталья Варкки.
  2. Чеки, счета, корочки билетов и все, что подтверждает оплату чего-либо (транспорт, проживание, экскурсии, так далее). Очень хорошо, если вы будете их подписывать своим именем и фамилией с обратной стороны.
  3. Каждый день нужно заполнять блог, делать небольшой фото-отчет и записывать видео.
  4. Нужно улыбаться чаще:)
  5. По возвращению в Эстонию нужно будет заполнить отчет по практике всем вместе (дата и время будут указаны на блоге). Кабинет N409.
  6. Помните, что можно взять с собой небольшие сладкие подарки в семьи (шоколад, марцепан и тд) Не важно что подарить - важно как подарить! Вспомните какую-либо легенду о Нарве и обыграйте.
  7.  Посещение уроков и практики - обязательно! Проводить время с друзьями можно только если у вас свободное время, выходной. Всегда ведите себя прилично.


Дома проверьте наличие всех документов и вещей первой необходимости.

В аэропорту:

Получите билеты и сдайте багаж.
  •  Багаж 20 кг и 5 кг ручной клади (сюда входит и компьютер)
  • Фотоаппарат и компьютер в багаж сдавать не стоит.
  • В ручной клади нельзя возить жидкости ( в этом числе тушь для ресниц, лак для ногтей, тональный крем, блеск и так далее), колющие предметы (даже пинцеты!!!), лекарства (только в случае если у вас есть справка от врача, что вы без данного препарата не можете пройти на борт самолета)
  • Все лишнее сдаете в обычный багаж (например, зарядка для телефона).
  • Билеты на самолет и личные документы, деньги - держите при себе.
  • в Англию нельзя ввозить даже в багаже молочные продукты, хлебо-булочные продукты, рыбные и мясные продукты. 
  • В аэропорту питание дорогое, можете взять перекусить еще в автобусе. Перекусить можно также на вокзале. Цены более менее приемлемые

Оставьте жидкости (питьё) у входа на проверку.
Если вас попросят открыть на проверку ноутбук, снять ботинки, ремень - стоит просто это сделать - это обычная проверка.
После посадки на самолет НЕ НАДО выкидывать билеты или оставлять их в самолете - сдайте их Наталье Варкки.
Держитесь всегда вместе, это поможет избежать проблем.

Monday, May 16, 2011


Today was the first day at Canterbury and the first day in the english language school. The first lesson, we wrote the tests. Then we identified the groups on levels of language proficiency. It was the first half of the day. Next we took a practical lecture on logistics. Also today we were told our jobs. I will work in John Shirley Ltd company.

Hello from Concorde International :)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Arrival to Britain. 15.05 First day: travelling.

At Gatwick airport. Our train to Canterbury.

WOW! Hello, Britain!

Ulemiste airport. ......looking forward to flight.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Accommodation 1week

Местонахождение школы и вашего местопроживания в Кентербери
A- Concorde-International
B- Korabljova, Julia 8 Sussex Avenue, вашу хозяйку дома зовут Bowman, Val.
C - Jakovleva, Jekaterina and Tolstopyatova, Svetlana 4 Essex Road, вашу хозяйку дома зовут Douglas, Linda
D - Aleksejeva, Darja and Gudkova, Anna 325 Sturry Road, вашу хозяйку дома зовут Marsh, Lyn
E - Sokko, Arina 46 Roper Road, вашу хозяйку дома зовут Twaits, Branka

Места практики

Троим студенткам уже можно познакомиться со своими компаниями на практике в Великобритании.

Svetlana Tolstopyatova in a company called Megger in Dover ( working in their export and despatch departure.

Anna and Julia are working in a company called Bedfont ( working in logistics and export departure.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Blog making classes

Девушки, в пятницу 06.05.2011 на 5й паре в кабинете N409 поговорим о блоге.

Смотрите план изменений в расписании.

Напишите комментарий если вы увидели данное сообщение:))


Арина и Екатерина.
Ваши компании советуют вам для удобства работы привезти свои ноутбуки.

Справка из полиции


Ваши компании требуют наличие у вас справки с полиции- criminal report.

Оформить ее элементарно! Обратитесь в полицию за бланком о работе за границей. Там же заполните его и отдайте в полиции. На основании ваших запросов вам будут высланы справки о вашем безупречном прошлом.

Не забудьте захватить с собой паспорт.

Это надо сделать срочно!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

We have finished our lessons in Likool

28 April was our last lesson of English Business Course in Likool. There were useful lessons and now, when we got our certifacations, became closely to UK.